Hello Greatness, Yes, by His emotional wounds too, you were healed! Jesus went through that emotions you feel when you are misunderstood. He came with an intention and vision to save, He did mankind good.Almost ( if not) all of His every deed or word he said was flawed, nothing made sense to them.It was […]
By His wounds..
Hello Greatness, As believers, we all read this verse all the time; “by his wounds we were healed” and we commonly attached it to sickness and physical wounds.But this week, I will let you know that Jesus paid for all your wounds- one of which was your emotional wound. Every emotional wound we may go […]
Are you Emotionally Healthy? V
Hello Greatness, Parents needs to help their children to be emotionally healthy by allowing them express themselves politely when especially they are upset.Don’t shut them up. I have seen where parents beat their kids and ask them not to cry out.How can you flog a child and tell him/her not to cry?You tell them to […]
Are you Emotionally Healthy? IV
Hello Greatness Are you Emotionally Healthy? 4 When you get to a point of burn out and emotional numbness, your intimacy with God is affected and you begin to do this out of duty and not out of love. You obey the rules, you do everything by the book.But you loose the quality of life […]
Are you Emotionally Healthy III
Hello Greatness The emotional healthiness of a human begins even before he or she is conceived.Right from the womb, a fetus can feel the emotions of his or her mother.This is why the emotional health of a pregnant woman is very important. This is why we shouldn’t have children until we are ready because if […]
Are you Emotionally Healthy II
Hello Greatness, Are you Emotionally Healthy 2 Men and women are human beings, hence emotional.The only difference is that they may express emotions in different way but it doesn’t make any gender less emotional to the other. Please who think women cry a lot thus they must be more emotional, may not have met men […]
Pain 4
Are you a verbal or an emotional abusers?Or do you enable or attract abusers around you by given excuses for their actions?If yes, then you carry trauma. Many people have not gotten the help they needed because they managed and have conditioned themselves to accept the bullies rather than confront them for the abuses headlong. […]
Pain 3
Hello Greatness How do I know I am pain medicating? I have met people who under few mins of meeting them revealed the houses they have built, the amount of money they have saved in the bank, the last trip(vacation) they had, and the family class they belong. Etc. If you find yourself show casing […]
Emotional pain is real and it can be a great tool for healing if used well.But it is too bad that rather than fix the problem, we run and medicate the pain thus given us temporal relief. So how do people medicate their pain? This kind of medication is quite common, and cheap to buy. […]
Hello Greatness, Teensaflame organisation has a running instruction for the year 2023 and we would love to share this with you. This year God will want us to stay REFRESH! When you are working on a system or a device, you may need to refresh the page from time to time especially when you need […]