Hello Greatness,

As believers, we all read this verse all the time; “by his wounds we were healed” and we commonly attached it to sickness and physical wounds.
But this week, I will let you know that Jesus paid for all your wounds- one of which was your emotional wound.
Every emotional wound we may go through has been paid for in full by Jesus.
What is that wound you are dealing with?
1.The emotional pain of disappointment from close friends.
He was in so many accounts strong for peter, He called him(Peter) to walk on water, He healed his mother in law, He announced to the world that He would be the rock on which he built the church. No doubt peter delighted in the Lord as well, he (Peter) made boasts of Him, defended Him as much as he could.
But alas, the frailty of humanity set in.
Many times, people don’t mean to hurt others . However, because of this human frailty, they cannot show up strong for you when the chips are down. It is not because they don’t want to, but their insecurities and inadequacy take the better part of them and they sting.
Peter denied Jesus on the spot, he couldn’t help himself, forgetting the years of working together at the instance of Jesus arrest.
Are you hurting?
Are you mad at yourself for hurting this bad?
Are you mad at those you expected more from?
Let me let you know healing is available via Jesus wounds on the cross
You are healing! You are healed!
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny