Tag: 2023

Hello Greatness

Stop listening to lies 3

Hello Greatness, I have met many beautiful and talented people who felt like losers and walked around like one just because while growing up they had a network of people around them, who were agents of the spirit of lies. The spirit of lies indoctrinate children and because of their very impressionable minds, they are […]

Hello Greatness

By His wounds By His wounds IV

Hello Greatness, Jesus went through betrayal. Everything Jesus went through was intentionally because of you and me.The betrayal Jesus went through was in different levels.It may have been less painful if you didn’t love that much, or cared that much.Jesus cared for these people who didn’t mind stoning Him the next minute.He healed their children, […]

Hello Greatness

Are you Emotionally Healthy? V

Hello Greatness, Parents needs to help their children to be emotionally healthy by allowing them express themselves politely when especially they are upset.Don’t shut them up. I have seen where parents beat their kids and ask them not to cry out.How can you flog a child and tell him/her not to cry?You tell them to […]

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