I recently meet an interesting case some few days ago ,a 16 year old girl(name and identity withheld) and her guardian came in with a few days old baby,just on approaching into the consulting room,i could sense the intense tension between the two women,they had brought in the baby for medical attention,her little skull was a bit swollen at the base of the head,inflamed and painful..although the baby remained calm,but it was quite obvious something was wrong with her health..then my inquiring started..when i was not making any sense with the  story i was given, i had to excuse the guardian,and decided to have a one on one with my teenage patient…this was her story…

My mother died when i was very young, my father became very irresponsible,he refused to pay for my school fees,or leave money down for food at home,so last year at SS 1 (High school 10th grade)i dropped out of school and joined a local table tennis club.”i am very good at playing table tennis” ,she explained further,”i was almost at the semifinal league at my club,when i got pregnant….”she added

so i asked her,who was aware of your pregnancy?…she replied.”nobody ma”,i hid the pregnancy for 9month,in my father house,no one noticed i was pregnant’ i didn’t go to any hospital,i rarely felt ill,i was always with a bag that covered my stomach,

what about your dad?siblings?relatives?neighbor?

my dad didn’t notice,he left in the morning and came back late.,

so how and where did you have your baby i asked further?

in my room,by my self..that morning i had slight pain,like menstrual pain,because i didn’t want anyone to know,i locked my self in the room,and i got the urge to push,the baby came out on the floor.i pulled out the robe(cord)and manage to keep the baby in a nylon bag,and passed out…

jvbnin the pool of my blood,i was rushed to nearby hospital with the baby…

i was speechless for few secs,looking at her crying out her eyes quietly.

A lot was running through my mind,as i tried to comport my self to attend to her and her baby,

who could i blame for this?her dad?her late mum?her self? or the society?

why is she crying i though to my self?is it the pain of almost killing her child?or the fact that she didn’t die that day?or the pain of not having a mother?or the boyfriend who left her alone pregnant?or the fear of the future/dreams being

mbnover?or shame?….let me stop my story here…

Too many things have gone wrong and is going wrong everyday in our society,TEENAGERS when you are not guided you are prone to many mistakes.

I get to see and hear lots of mind blowing stories especially about teens,these stories keep me motivated  to do what i do,which is…trying to inspire greatness in you.

Perhaps i could touch just one teenager or a parent by using this story to share some tips that could be life changing..



Listen up teenagers,you may never find yourself in this exact story i shared,but there are going to be situations you will find yourself,that will question your value system and your would face inevitable life issues and challenges that will test what and who you have been listening to,what you have already programmed inside your heart….Experienceuutyces that would shake up what your real beliefs are will come…

when it does,what will be the quality of your decisions?

If the girl in my story knew better maybe she would have acted cannot give what you don’t have

Its rather unfortunate that teenagers allow just about anything enter into their mind,via what they see,ear,watch and even eat or drink.erotic songs/series which triggers premature romantic feelings that blurs their values system unconsciously.

No wonder some adolescent still end up making very poor choices after all said and done.jklo

Have you refused to have sex simply because you feel you are young and not ready or is the choice based on the fact that you fear God,love him and you want to honor his word by waiting till marriage?


your real reason will be tested…

‘Guard your heart with all diligent out of it flows the issue of life’prov4:23

FACT 101:love is a lot different from how it is being portrayed in the Mexican soaps and romantic movies/novels you invest and soak your mind in.

Esau found himself under intense pressure of hunger,he was not able to make a sound decision as he taught selling his birthright was perfect for him,and he payed for it.

don’t make a rash decision because of how you feel,don’t drop out of school,or give up on your self because your academics is poorly melting down.

what are you selling for few minutes of pleasure?

when pressure comes,what is inside of you will show..what is your value system?what will you refuse to do no matter what?

how will you behave and react in a worse case scenario?

Are there certain things you will not do in respective of whether or not your parent is present with you?nut

when your parent cannot afford somethings for you how do you react?

what is the reason behind everything you do or you don’t do?Are you just waiting for time and chance or you are fully persuaded and convinced.twq

Are you already day dreaming about your wild adventure when you get into the university?Are you pretending to be so spiritual to gain approval while you battle with secrets sins..?

A value system without God in it..will meltdown at the face of pressure and produce poor choices

Dear parents how much have you invested in your child?how much does your teenager know?have you shared your mistakes/life lessons with them,or have you left them to figure out life for themselves?

fathers can your teenage son confide in you?have you made you communication channel so open that your daughter can discuss her crushes/infatuations with you.vdteydjufugbnhjiuu

if you had too be away from the picture of their lives by any cause..what legacy have you left?if your children had to leave home at any age,have you influenced them enough to stand strong,and live by a good value system whose foundation is rock solid and influenced by the word of

Teenagers take a stand for right living,stand  for the holiness,in the face of fire like the young Hebrew men,don’t bend! don’t bow! wont be burnt!,

like Joseph leave your coat if need be and run away to your future.


stand with God.Jesus loves you.

Thank you for taking out few minutes of your time to read this,i urge you to share this to others as well,

God bless you.

AN healthy teenager will produce an healthy adult who will become an asset to GOD and GENERATIONS.

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