What is Value? Value is the performance of action that increases your worth to others. It is also a principle or standard, as of behavior, that is considered important or desirable.
Our Bible in Mark 12: 28-31 talks about the Great commandments of God.
28. A Teacher of the Law was there who heard the discussion. He saw that Jesus had given the Sadducees a good answer, so he came to him with a question: “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second most important commandment is this: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment more important than these two.” – Mark 12:28, 30-31 (GNBDK)
The place I made bold shows what is known as Value which have been earlier mentioned as the performance of your actions. God said, after loving yourself you must love the next person (your neighbor, someone in need, every person you meet) as yourself. It basically means as long as you add value to yourself you must bless others with the same values. Now, values can be positive and negative. We are to only transmit positive values to others in order to help them grow and become better people.
Here are a list of Values and how you can be of value to others
- Honesty: This is one of the key values we should have as humans and that we should derive joy in teaching others as this is the bedrock/pillar of all. The Bible in Exodus 20:16 (GNBDK) says “Do not accuse anyone falsely.” No matter any situation/circumstances you find yourself endeavor to stand by your word. Standing by your word is a true form of Value, which makes people gravitate towards you.
- Morality: When you live a moral life, you in one way or the other make other people’s life improve. They improve when they observe your traits and they might not tell you until after a long time when it’s been of benefits to them.
- Generosity and Charity
- Being Forgiving and Not Retaliating for every hurt you’ve gotten (Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 5:38-45)
Adding Value to others can be achieved by the following:
Care/Creativity: When you care for others, you add value to their lives. Why? When you care for someone, you listen more, you become better friends, you build trust and grow in love. Caring builds creativity, when you care it helps you think Objectively rather than Subjectively
Objectively: It shows you better ways to grow, learn, think, relate and create solutions to problems. Do you know when you solve problems for other you’ve added value to their lives!
Subjectively: Narrowed thinking and reactions instead of responses delays growth and makes you distant from people that would help you achieve your purpose, this would only attract people of the same caliber.
Exchange of Worth: You exchange worth when you have different values that you both learn from one another.
Communication: Communication is key to growth. When you communicate in alignment to God’s word, You create room for exponential growth. Also, you need to be weary of who you communicate with and who you allow within your circle that communicates back to you. Build all communications on the bedrock of God. Your speech should always be pleasant and interesting, and you should know how to give the right answer to everyone. (Colossians 4:6 GNBDK)
Value increases interpersonal and intra personal advantages. If you’re lacking in any certain value, if you build the right communication you gain ripple value benefits.
In Conclusion
You can add value to others by being Compassionate and Caring, by listening and being respectful, by having Integrity and Morals, through Discipline and Patience, through Excellence and Growth and Through Fairness and ability to learn.
The above is notes from a Bible Study led by Peter OSIKOYA. 4th March, 2021.