Hello Greatness,

The process is the time between the conception of your dream or desire and when it becomes a reality. This time is also called the waiting period. The wait can be very frustrating  and overwhelming when you don’t understand what the purpose is.

Nobody likes to wait, everyone is in a hurry to make it in life, make a difference, get that big break or get quick response from the Lord. 🤔 But we must realize that the wait is also part of the answer or breakthrough we are itching to have.

There is nothing as painful as watching those you seemingly started with, leaving you on the same spot. Or even worse, those who were far behind you, going pass you. But do you know that there is a kind of attitude and stamina that you must acquire to help you still arrive at your destination beautifully like you never waited.

The process or the wait is more important than the breakthrough or the destination. Because your love for Him is tested and tried and He can shift your eyes off what you thought you needed to what He really wants you to have, which is always the best.

The wait or process purifies your motives and intentions and gets you ready. 

What makes the process difficult is when we begin to compare ourselves and what makes the process or the wait longer.  People try to adapt to the wait by adopting an unhealthy mindset. So, instead of getting the best out of the process, they become toxic.

The wait is not a passive phase but an active phase that requires you to do your part. Waiters in restaurants don’t stand miserably, looking hopelessly. They get busy serving and seeing to the need of consumers.

Are you in your waiting season? 

Who are you serving? 

What need are you meeting?

Priority changes in the process. Dreams are crushed and rebuilt to the master’s taste in the process.

The process is like fire to gold. The exact effect the fire has on gold removing impurities and bringing out its truest form or the effect an oven has on a cake is the same effect the process has on you. 

You look better. You are more mature, calmer, and wiser. God does not intend for us to wait forever, and He will not allow us to wait any minute longer than expected except we tamper with the process.

Every wait has a timeline. If you do not follow through, it starts the time again.

The real prayer one should pray in the waiting season is to ask God to show you the reason for the wait and help you to become all He needs you to become in the wait. Instead of praying for the wait to be over, ask Him to help you to be ready for what you are believing Him for.

The process works on your internal systems than your external. The process signifies the silent years when nobody is watching when everyone has moved on.

Healing takes place when nobody is watching. 

Growth happens when nobody is paying attention to you.

All these help in your becoming, which is one of the main reasons for the process.

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