The Battles We Fight Within(Hello Greatness)

The Battles We Fight Within(Hello Greatness)

There are several battles we have to fight everyday, and many of these battles happens to take place in our minds.

The struggle to gain positive control of our thinking process coupled with the obvious influence it has on our feelings and subsequently, our actions, determine the quality of our lives.

Essentially, low quality thinking births a low quality life, filled with poor choices, depression, anxiety, strife and physical sickness. The mind is one of the many warfronts the enemy may plan to stage their attack.

Basically, the enemy’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy, and they can achieve this by placing a target on your thought process first. Once the enemy is able to infiltrate your thought process and influence how you think, they become the drivers of your mental health.

Your thinking process forms the core of your mental health, therefore an unhealthy thinking pattern may potentially result in mental health failure and breakdown.

Science has it that the mental health of an individual is linked to their overall well being. Many physical diseases and illnesses usually result from an imbalance in the mind sending messages to the brain thereby, triggering a response that shows up in your body — Mind-Brain-Body dynamics.

You can gain absolute control of your thought by employing thought discipline options. You cannot afford to think anyhow! The truth is thinking anyhow does not bring any form of joy whatsoever.

In fact, the reality of being joyful is fast-becoming an extinct experience in our Christian walk particularly because many of us fail to be intentional about what we choose to think about — we need to encourage thought discipline.

Joy is not a material object and cannot be purchased with money, accomplishment or statues; it emanates from the spirit. It is not emotional, therefore it should be our default attitude as children of God.

However, it is important that you guide your joy because it can be lost. When believers get careless, they lose the joy of their salvation and they may need to fight hard to get their joy back.

This is why we must contend for our joy. The same way you discipline your body from satisfying its own lustful /selfish desires, you equally have to discipline your thought process by retraining your mind to do intentional thinking.

In essence, our thoughts dictate how well we prosper as christians. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. If you don’t like or love what or who you are becoming, it is a sign that you should change your mindset as soon as possible.

There are mindsets that we have unconsciously adopted from those around us while growing up. These mindsets need to change. The negative pattern that trails the way you have been responding to life issues has a mindset attached to it.

Your mindset needs to be redirected before you can begin to see positive changes in your life.

You can redirect your life by beginning to identify the mindset behind every of your actions and run it by the Word of God to see if they are in alignment or in defiance.


● Thoughts can be infiltrated.
● Thoughts can be influenced.
● Not all thoughts are your thoughts.

This is basically why we wage war and fight with knowledge. Thoughts are like little blocks or bricks that can form a wall as time goes on.

If your thoughts are negative, they attract demonic spirits that aid in fortifying those thoughts and turn the brick wall into their stronghold. Therapy may be able to break down these walls but only the Word of God can break down the strongholds.

This is why many people are stuck in strongholds. They are bound in captivity by their thoughts. They want to think right but they just can’t because they feel too weak to resist negative imaginations till it becomes a full blown mental health crisis.

Before you go, you should know that the greatest agenda of the devil is to get you to a point where you cannot believe God for anything; a point where you become hopeless. This is where your love for God begins to wax cold till it dies out.

The devil sets you up for mind attacks as you open the door by worrying, complaining, being selfish, jealousy and offense towards your neighbor.

He uses your down season and pressure of life to lead you into the path of discouragement with the sole purpose of robbing you of your joy.

Once your joy is gone, your strength is gone and you can no longer have the ability to fight in the word and in prayer.

So learn to shut it down.

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