Hello Greatness, If you were told you will automatically become what you look at, will that change what and how you look at? If you were in a marketplace with a purse that contained huge amount of money for your transactions how would you protect that purse? I have seen people keep things they considered […]
Traveling light 4
Hello Greatness, Traveling light is a mentality we should all have as we run our race.There are things we just have to outsource.You cannot be everything for everyone at everytime; if not, you will burn out andmess up your trip. You cannot miss your flight because you are trying to help a stranded passenger find […]
Travelling light 3
Hello Greatness, We all need to go on a bagage audit, there are stuffs we don’t need, there her burdens we are carrying we don’t have too. Whatever burden God has not given you to carry will crush you. Know when to drop the load for Jesus and keep moving.He says his burden is easy […]
Travelling light 2
Hello Greatness, God has designed it that we enjoy our journeys and lives in Him and not endure them. The only way to enjoy that kind of life is to travel light. One of the reasons why we must travel light is inorder to be fit enough mentally,emotionally,physically and spiritually healthy to fulfill our God […]
Travelling light
Hello Greatness So I remembered a particular trip I had to embark on some years back. It was one journey that taught me a life lesson I will never forget. Anyone who knows me well enough know how I love to over pack things when I am travelling, 😁.just in case I might need themSo […]
Power Conference
_“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.__John 14:12 NKJV_What does it mean to believe in Jesus?It is more than just knowing him but to also accept him, to […]
Happy New Month
Welcome to May♥️, a month of new beginnings and fresh opportunities.Together, let us grow in faith, hope, and love, and share God’s grace with those around us.Happy May.May our faith bloom and flourish in the months to come!
Stop listening to lies 3
Hello Greatness, I have met many beautiful and talented people who felt like losers and walked around like one just because while growing up they had a network of people around them, who were agents of the spirit of lies. The spirit of lies indoctrinate children and because of their very impressionable minds, they are […]
Stop listening to lies 2
Hello Greatness, Because we live in a fallen and broken world, many things made now are driven by the spirit of lies Aka spirit of error.Wherever you see error,or see believers making gravious mistake you must realize that there is a spirit of lies powering it, remember the ordeal of eve in the garden of […]
Stop listening to lies
Hello Greatness, The devil’s mission is to steal, kill and destroy.one of the ways he goes about his perpetuation is through the operation of lies. This is why he is called the father of lies. What is a lie? Lie is anything void of truth.The truth is His word.So, everything God has said about you […]