You can be a virgin and not be sexually pure. But you cannot walk in sexual purity and not be sexually chaste. As a believer who is obeying God, your virginity will end on your wedding night but sexual purity continues throughout your lifetime. Sexual purity is not just for the young and single, it […]
The Yielding Life(Gal 5;25)
In 2025, God will have us yield more to his leadership and instructions. Many promises are delayed and many divine assignments are delayed or abandoned because most times we are stuck on our own agenda which compete with God’s will for us. A yielding life is a life willing to surrender, relinquish, submit and give […]
Lessons from the Christmas story
Every Mary needs a Joseph. I can’t even begin to imagine how Mary would have been able to carry out this heavy assignment without the sensitivity and flexibility of Joseph. Joseph’s role in the whole Christmas story was very crucial. It was his call to provide direction and clarity for both Mary and baby Jesus. […]
My Persuasions and Convictions
Hello Greatness, Every chance I get to reflect on my journey especially over the past two years since my move to Europe, I see how Jesus has been my constant source of strength and continues to guide me. This life’s journey customized by the one who created me has taught me that the trust you […]
Hello Greatness, The process is the time between the conception of your dream or desire and when it becomes a reality. This time is also called the waiting period. The wait can be very frustrating and overwhelming when you don’t understand what the purpose is. Nobody likes to wait, everyone is in a hurry to […]
Hello greatness, Accountability is the ability to be upfront, open and transparent to somebody else who can hold you responsible to keep your word about your values, beliefs and life choices. Everyone needs such an individual in his/her life to help maintain integrity especially when the chips are down. The first person every believer should […]
CONTENTMENT Hello Greatness, Contentment is not when you have everything you want but it is about being grateful and at peace in every life circumstance because of the revelation of His love for you. The bible says: Godliness + Contentment =Big gain. It also means that Godliness – Contentment=Big loss There cannot be true contentment […]
Undoing Patterns
Hello greatness, when something is repeated more than once, it becomes a pattern. Then it is taken as a norm. The mind accepts it as a normal occurrence and it begins to replicate after its own kind. The real problem happens when this pattern is of a negative /evil undertone There are many behaviours, habits, […]
Hello greatness, you can worship God in so many ways, including trusting in Him. Worship is not limited to singing songs during church services on Sundays, it also involves other things you partake in throughout the week. Even the most minute details can speak volume of how much you worship God. From little decisions such […]
The Battles We Fight Within(Hello Greatness)
There are several battles we have to fight everyday, and many of these battles happens to take place in our minds. The struggle to gain positive control of our thinking process coupled with the obvious influence it has on our feelings and subsequently, our actions, determine the quality of our lives. Essentially, low quality thinking […]