- Condoling Abusers
Are you a verbal or an emotional abusers?
Or do you enable or attract abusers around you by given excuses for their actions?
If yes, then you carry trauma.
Many people have not gotten the help they needed because they managed and have conditioned themselves to accept the bullies rather than confront them for the abuses headlong.
Woman of God, you are not preserving your marriage by condoling abuses no matter the form.
People in pain inflict pain on others.
The more the pain you endure, the more you get to the point where you are emotionally norm.
Physical abuse is as worse as emotional and verbal abuse.
Some people are so damaged to the point that they only feel better until they have said something hurtful to whoever they are in conflict with.
In the name of I am trying to express my self they send stinkers.
It is the only way they can feel better.
They medicate their pains with abusive body language, words, and attitudes.
As long as they can win an argument irrespective of who is involved, they feel valid.
They call it scoring point, we call it pain.
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny