Hello Greatness,
Every chance I get to reflect on my journey especially over the past two years since my move to Europe, I see how Jesus has been my constant source of strength and continues to guide me.
This life’s journey customized by the one who created me has taught me that the trust you claim you have in Him, will be tested and tried. In fact, hell itself will be set loose to shake your faith with the aim of shifting your eyes from the one you trust. But the hand of the one who holds you is stronger than any other.
I got frustrated many times when I sincerely thought He would come through the door like He has always done to bring my answers but while I waited desperately at the door for Him to come through for me, I was surprised that He chose to come through the window to answer me–The window of a casual thought or a very strange and simple instruction and boom – the answer opens up.
So, I have learnt not to ignore the simple instructions and promptings because they carry the key and answers to our requests and I submit that God answers prayers!
I cannot compare my life pathway to any other. An attempt to compare will only lead me to a life of unrest and strife. The way He chooses to respond to our supplications is entirely up to Him and His purpose.
Life is hard and very tough. I don’t know how people can survive life without Jesus,I just don’t get it. I have come to a deep conclusion for a long time that Life without Jesus is life with no air! Without air, one is as good as dead. So, there are many dead men walking because they have no life in them.
For all the lessons he has taught me as I mature in him I embrace in humility, thriving in his power to become a better version of my self in Him. I am satisfied with his dealings and the pathway he takes me through, I am who he says I am, I become more like him everyday and I will not become another person because they are not my standard.
I have arrived at this deep conviction that Jesus is my life and my life is hidden in him. I am seated with him in heavenly places far above principalities and powers!!!
Real life is in Jesus!! With Jesus there is so much hope to help you go through hard times like a walk in the park.
God can be trusted!!!