Hello Greatness,
If what identify you is what’s on your identity card alone then you are in for a lurking crisis.
Your identity is who and what you are. Certain indicators like race, age, gender, religious beliefs, personal and professional affiliations are used to describe what one’s identity is in the secular world.
However, detailed and well accepted identity parameter has these breakdown. When subjected to life storm.
Life issues will demand answers that could shake and question the very core of your identity.
Every storm you face is asking you just one question – who are you?
You are not your name, or where you hail from. You are not what you do or who your parents are
You are who God says you are, right before you even existed!
Joseph even while he was still with his family playing around and being despised by his brothers was already a prime minister!
While Potiphar’s wife was constantly pressuring him and enticing him with promotion and pleasure, he was already a prime minister – That was his real identity.
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny