Guarding your heart

Guarding your heart

Hello Greatness,

If you were told you will automatically become what you look at, will that change what and how you look at?

If you were in a marketplace with a purse that contained huge amount of money for your transactions how would you protect that purse?

I have seen people keep things they considered vaulable in a safe place that even thieves are unlikely to search out. Why?
The sense to protect what is costly or important to you, make you creative and very thorough in hiding stuff away.

One of the most valued treasure we have been given to keep safe is our hearts, in other word our minds.
Because it can be easily lost, adulterated, stained and influenced

I like to compare the heart as a kind of substance that can be stolen gradually and it may take time to realise something is missing than other form of substance whose theft is instantly noticed.

The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy.
As a good thief that he is, he doesn’t steal the heart suddenly as we think, he does it with criminal skill – For instance,He makes a hole thus making trinkles of the substance leak out unnoticed. Or he contaminates the substance to render it useless.

With this in mind, we should know his main target is your heart.
He can’t get access to your spirit as a believer, but with gates of the mind opened carelessly, he creeps in and do his havoc.

The bible says GUARD (meaning protect carefully) your heart because out of it flows the issues of life.
Your heart is the engine. When the engine is tampered with even a beautiful car cannot go anywhere.

Be intentional about what you choose to hear.
Be intentional about who you choose to listen to
Be intentional about the pictures you put before yourself .

They go straight to your mind and influence how you make decision, interpret the world around you and they also shape your Perception.

Your Coach

Dr Kenny.

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