According to a research conducted by a church in the US to determine the ages bracket, when people get saved the most, it is revealed that 85% of people get saved at age 4- 14,10% at age 15 -30, 4% at age 30+ and 1% at age 0-4.
Another survey by the international bible society indicates that 83% of all Christians make their commitment to Jesus between the ages 4 and 14.that is when they are children or early adolescent. This data illustrate the importance of influencing your children to consider making a decision for the lord. When they are still very tender
One of the ways you can do this is to expose them to environment, and other sources different from where and who they are used to hear the good news. They tend to be more receptive and open to be transformed…
Parents let your teens come for Teensaflame August 10th summit #Fearless and watched them get transformed by his grace…. See you there!!