Men ought to PRAY and not to faint! Luke 18:1b Do you always find a need to PRAY before you do? It shouldn’t be so.Do you think it’s only when you’re in a bad situation that you should PRAY? No!The Bible has stated it clearly that we ought to PRAY always, and not to faint.We […]
Happening this June . Live and direct on teensaflame platform!! One of the wars we have to win daily is the battle field of the mind!Ability to discern when it is psychological,clinical and when it is purely demonic is key. Come and learn with us in June, See fliers for more details
Power Conference
_βMost assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.__John 14:12 NKJV_What does it mean to believe in Jesus?It is more than just knowing him but to also accept him, to […]
Self Esteem Clinic
Low Self-esteem esteem is one of the major mental health crises many young people struggle with..An insecure young person grows up into an insecure Adult..with a track record of poor life choices.The journey of a healthy self esteem is continuous and requires intentional learning, unlearning and relearning of who you and who you are not.May […]
Pain 4
Are you a verbal or an emotional abusers?Or do you enable or attract abusers around you by given excuses for their actions?If yes, then you carry trauma. Many people have not gotten the help they needed because they managed and have conditioned themselves to accept the bullies rather than confront them for the abuses headlong. […]
EVENT ALERT: Self Esteem Clinic
Good evening, Family. It’s Self esteem o’clock!!!ππππ TeensAflame Foundation in conjuction with Joyful Heights Learning Solutions brings yet another edition of her powerful SELF ESTEEM CLINIC FOR PRE-TEENS AND TEENS. This is another opportunity to invest into your child, sibling or friend. It’s happening this Saturday, 18th of March, 2023 by 11am(Nigerian Time) Kindly check […]
This April on TeensAflame – Dealing with Father Wounds
The absence of a father or presence of an abusive or passive father causes wounds that go deep into the soul. Man is a spirit that lives in the body and has a soul – A tripartite being. The soul is the connecting man. It would interest you to know that it is the most […]
March 2021 on TeensAflame – Power Room & Self Esteem Clinic
When teens/tweens gather to pray, things shift. Hunger for Him drives us to our kneels even at these times. We renew our strength in God’s presence. Join us on Saturday, the 13th of March, 2021 for this month’s edition of Power Room. The time is 6:00AM (GMT +1).You can be part of this by chatting […]
February 2021 on Teens Aflame – Quiet Time & Counselling Room.
TeensAflame has a mandate in 2021 to raise an army of young people with solid spiritual health. Once that is taken care of, every other thing aligns. This is why we have come up with the #30DaysQuietTimeChallenge and this would run everyday in February. The time is 5am and the venue is Mixlr.Sign up for […]
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