Hello Greatness The reason why you are so much under attack is not because of you are at the moment, but who you really are.You are so much of a treat to the devil that he tries to attack you with self-doubt so that you can never come to that realization.He achieves that by luring […]
Men ought to PRAY and not to faint! Luke 18:1b Do you always find a need to PRAY before you do? It shouldn’t be so.Do you think it’s only when you’re in a bad situation that you should PRAY? No!The Bible has stated it clearly that we ought to PRAY always, and not to faint.We […]
Happening this June . Live and direct on teensaflame platform!! One of the wars we have to win daily is the battle field of the mind!Ability to discern when it is psychological,clinical and when it is purely demonic is key. Come and learn with us in June, See fliers for more details
Struggling with Addiction?
If you are struggling with any form of addiction, this is for you. Pornography, Masturbation, Hard Drugs and the likes are what come to mind when people hear the word Addiction. However, we have a number of people who are addicted to food, lying and funny enough sleeping. Addiction is simply defined as any habit […]
This April on TeensAflame – Dealing with Father Wounds
The absence of a father or presence of an abusive or passive father causes wounds that go deep into the soul. Man is a spirit that lives in the body and has a soul – A tripartite being. The soul is the connecting man. It would interest you to know that it is the most […]