Hello Greatness,
Yes, by His emotional wounds too, you were healed!
Jesus went through that emotions you feel when you are misunderstood.
He came with an intention and vision to save, He did mankind good.
Almost ( if not) all of His every deed or word he said was flawed, nothing made sense to them.
It was meant to happen exactly the way it did.
So, next time you ache from being misunderstood or judged wrongly remember Jesus went through similarly experience.
There is nothing you can say when there are biases in the heart.
I think the hardest thing to face are people who incites and insinuates.
Those who don’t really know the story but readily take sides with others without giving benefit of the doubt.
These people are not emotional involved in the fight because there is nothing to loose.
All they do is add more fire and walk out unharmed thus worsening the issue.
How can you fight a man who has nothing to loose?
This was Jesus, the solders had nothing to loose, they were paid to take sides and they did it with no apologies.
I guess they inflicted more pain on Jesus than the harsh words of the pharisees
Are you dealing with a third party enemy like social media attack?
God understand; Jesus had been there.
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny