Hello Greatness,
Jesus went through betrayal.
Everything Jesus went through was intentionally because of you and me.
The betrayal Jesus went through was in different levels.
It may have been less painful if you didn’t love that much, or cared that much.
Jesus cared for these people who didn’t mind stoning Him the next minute.
He healed their children, fed them when they were hungry but they didn’t hesitate to throw stones at Him.
Why are you so pained that you feel let down by a relative or kindred? Remember all you have done were services to God.
When you think you are entitled to this or that you will be miserabe.
Unlike Jesus, He focused on the price, He looked to God and remembered we are the deal.
Even up the cross, He was put beside sinners to die with all the verbal abuse and emotional blackmail, He didn’t stop.
Jesus had the power to cause avoke, but He didn’t.
He kept still, He kept quiet.
Until you go through sometimes, you may never understand the pain of Jesus.
This season we need to see the love of Jesus, let it heal our wounds, bind us we’re it hurts.
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny