Emotional pain is real and it can be a great tool for healing if used well.But it is too bad that rather than fix the problem, we run and medicate the pain thus given us temporal relief. So how do people medicate their pain? This kind of medication is quite common, and cheap to buy. […]
Hello Greatness, Teensaflame organisation has a running instruction for the year 2023 and we would love to share this with you. This year God will want us to stay REFRESH! When you are working on a system or a device, you may need to refresh the page from time to time especially when you need […]
Event Alert: A Better You 6.0
With so much joy in our hearts, we invite you to A better you 6.0 with its theme RULE YOUR WORLD! Are you downcast spiritually, Emotionally or Mentally? Do you need direction and clarity for your life? Are you a young person? Then, mark your calendars and do not miss this life changing event. Speaking […]
One sided Relationship (You vs GOD)
Hello Greatness, Episode 1He calls you every morning, checks on you during the day, He is the last to hear your voice at night yet sending a text of appreciation is too hard for you? What do you call that kind of relationship? One sided!!! Before you are quick to judge the babe, you are […]
Struggling with Addiction?
If you are struggling with any form of addiction, this is for you. Pornography, Masturbation, Hard Drugs and the likes are what come to mind when people hear the word Addiction. However, we have a number of people who are addicted to food, lying and funny enough sleeping. Addiction is simply defined as any habit […]
Now before we know how to handle them, we first have to know them…..So, who are toxic people?I mean we all have flaws, no one is perfect, some have bad attitudes but what do you think makes a person toxic? It is very easy to identify a toxic person.When this person feels to be draining […]
This April on TeensAflame – Dealing with Father Wounds
The absence of a father or presence of an abusive or passive father causes wounds that go deep into the soul. Man is a spirit that lives in the body and has a soul – A tripartite being. The soul is the connecting man. It would interest you to know that it is the most […]
March 2021 on TeensAflame – Power Room & Self Esteem Clinic
When teens/tweens gather to pray, things shift. Hunger for Him drives us to our kneels even at these times. We renew our strength in God’s presence. Join us on Saturday, the 13th of March, 2021 for this month’s edition of Power Room. The time is 6:00AM (GMT +1).You can be part of this by chatting […]
Adding Value to others
What is Value? Value is the performance of action that increases your worth to others. It is also a principle or standard, as of behavior, that is considered important or desirable. Our Bible in Mark 12: 28-31 talks about the Great commandments of God. 28. A Teacher of the Law was there who heard the […]
How to handle a Crush
Hello Greatness, Have you ever struggled or felt almost helpless whenever you see your crush? Do you want to know how to handle this? Then, you are in the right place. Remember, you don’t make life changing decisions based on a temporal feeling like a crush. This week’s short 5 Part series podcast would be […]