Hello Greatness Identity crisis happens when you don’t know who you are.Princesses and royalties act like slaves and peasants when they don’t know who they are. The reason crisis happens is when you act differently from who you are.This is why there are many battles with mental health challenges.What is a lion doing in a […]
Identity crisis
Hello Greatness, If what identify you is what’s on your identity card alone then you are in for a lurking crisis.Your identity is who and what you are. Certain indicators like race, age, gender, religious beliefs, personal and professional affiliations are used to describe what one’s identity is in the secular world. However, detailed and […]
Guard your secret place
Hello Greatness Your prayer life and spiritual health needs to be guarded.You are as strong as your secret place; never loose the fire.You have a part in protecting your spiritual health.Whatever will stop you from connecting or flowing in the place of prayer is big enough to steal your spiritual health..fight it.A part of guarding […]
Guard your space
Hello Greatness Guarding your space means guarding your personal atomshphere.You can enjoy heaven even when going through hell, if you have the right people around you. Your space is your fortress and only people who have stand the test of times and the fire of friendship that should have a seat there. You can’t have […]
Men ought to PRAY and not to faint! Luke 18:1b Do you always find a need to PRAY before you do? It shouldn’t be so.Do you think it’s only when you’re in a bad situation that you should PRAY? No!The Bible has stated it clearly that we ought to PRAY always, and not to faint.We […]
GAURD your emotions 2
Hello Greatness, One of the reasons why you need to GAURD your heart/mind is in order to GAURD your emotions. There are thoughts that automatically influence your mood and drive you into negative emotions.You can think yourself into joy and think yourself into depression The reason why we fluctuate in mood is because we have […]
Guarding your heart
Hello Greatness, If you were told you will automatically become what you look at, will that change what and how you look at? If you were in a marketplace with a purse that contained huge amount of money for your transactions how would you protect that purse? I have seen people keep things they considered […]
Happening this June . Live and direct on teensaflame platform!! One of the wars we have to win daily is the battle field of the mind!Ability to discern when it is psychological,clinical and when it is purely demonic is key. Come and learn with us in June, See fliers for more details
Traveling light 4
Hello Greatness, Traveling light is a mentality we should all have as we run our race.There are things we just have to outsource.You cannot be everything for everyone at everytime; if not, you will burn out andmess up your trip. You cannot miss your flight because you are trying to help a stranded passenger find […]
Travelling light 3
Hello Greatness, We all need to go on a bagage audit, there are stuffs we don’t need, there her burdens we are carrying we don’t have too. Whatever burden God has not given you to carry will crush you. Know when to drop the load for Jesus and keep moving.He says his burden is easy […]