Hello greatness, Accountability is the ability to be upfront, open and transparent to somebody else who can hold you responsible to keep your word about your values, beliefs and life choices. Everyone needs such an individual in his/her life to help maintain integrity especially when the chips are down.

The first person every believer should be accountable to is God.

We should always remember that at the end of the day, we shall all stand before God and give an account on every talent, gift and relationship he gave us to steward.

Wise people won’t wait to be called to give an account, they take it upon themselves to open up as much as they can to God – the one who sees everything.

Who can call you to order when it seems you go nuts?

Who can you open up to about weaknesses you are trying to overcome?

There are some besetting sins (for example – Sexual sin) you cannot deal with alone without being exposed thus the need for  you to choose somebody to be accountable to. 

Accountable people are people that God can count on because they choose to be humble and open up rather than be proud and secretive.

Who can you be vulnerable with that can hold you up in prayer and correct you if need be in a loving manner?

I usually advise singles not to marry anyone that is not accountable to anybody.

The fact that he/she has a pastor may not mean he/she is accountable to the pastor. 

Is he/she humble to receive his/her pastor as somebody God has chosen to help and give him/her counsel?

Does he/she talk like he/she knows it all and has no regard for what anyone has to say?

Do they make major life decisions without involving anyone especially people (God has positioned strategically in their lives) who should know?

Does he/she even recognise them?

An accountability partner does not have to always be your mentor . It. could be a  trusted friend who is also walking the walk and pressing into God like you.

The most important thing is to find someone who loves you and will not hesitate in telling you the truth should you go off. Accountability partners are people who can hold your hand in prayer and stand with you.

You cannot be accountable to someone whose life is in opposition to who or what you are aiming to become. Accountability partners are not partners in crime but people whose desire is to see you get better. Do you have one?

You need to be a person that people can be accountable to and also demonstrate maturity in how you handle people’s personal matters. Be careful not to be a leaking lips and a betrayal of confidence.

The bible encourages us to confess our sins one to another, and gently restore anyone who is going astray.

To be an accountable partner, you should be a person who can observe and pick things in the spirit such that the person who has chosen to be accountable to you does not have to tell you everything all the time but by the Spirit you can sense when something is off.

Even when they lie to you about something they have done, you can tell and lovingly confront them with the aim to restore them.

You need people who can remind you about what you said you would do and what you said you will never do.

Every aspect of life will require us to be accountable. People who cannot be accountable cannot be trusted. They are like a city without walls; they can go into error any time.

Find somebody to be accountable and stop that cycle of secret sinning.

Be that person somebody can safely open up to.

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