In 2025, God will have us yield more to his leadership and instructions.
Many promises are delayed and many divine assignments are delayed or abandoned because most times we are stuck on our own agenda which compete with God’s will for us.
A yielding life is a life willing to surrender, relinquish, submit and give the right of way in this context to the Spirit of God.
To yield also means to bear fruits and derive profits.
The only kind of life that God will be pleased with in 2025 is a life completely yielded to Him.
To yield is a verb, and this should be the attitude of a believer who is ready for more in 2025
Any area of your life you cannot submit or give up to God totally has become an idol.
It is very easy for our emotions to become an idol when we don’t allow it to be regulated by God.
In 2025, He wants to be the LORD of All. Give Him room to take over your entire life.
Don’t give Him your relationships or friendships and keep the lust.
Don’t give Him your finances or academics and keep the anxiety and worry.
Give Him everything and do not try to take it back.
What does a yielding life look like?
It is a life that heeds quickly to correct and make amends swiftly. A yielding life is a life that repents and turns away to start living a life that honours God.
It is a life that does not ignore divine counsel just because it is not in alignment to his/her own natural thinking. Rather it is because of the heart that seeks to please God.
A yielding life is a life that draws strength from the Lord always and never relying on his/her own strength.
When we know our life is no longer ours but we have been bought with a price, and we now have a new owner who oversees our lives then we know that making a decision without His approval will be a total mistake.
Is God happy with every major or minor decision you have made in the past?
If “Yes” – Great!
If “No” – What will you be doing differently next time?
If “I don’t know” – Let me tell you how you could know His mind on issues:
• When in doubt, seek Godly counsel
• Let His spirit and not your feelings set the pace at all times in 2025
Your Coach
Dr. Kenny
Happy New Year From All Of Us at Teensaflame Global.