Undoing Patterns 

Undoing Patterns 

Hello greatness, when something is repeated more than once, it becomes a pattern. Then it is taken as a norm.

The mind accepts it as a normal occurrence and it  begins to replicate after its own kind. The real problem happens when this pattern is of a negative /evil undertone

There are many behaviours, habits, life happenings and actions we have seen or experienced more than once that need to be investigated and then set straight so as not to allow a repeating sequence down the line.

These patterns becomes generational cycle that leads to strongholds  very tough to breakdown by just human determination 

Many people born into this kind of cycles are usually not aware of the pattern they have inherited until it begins to manifest

Every family has a pattern, and as spiritually sound believers, we are supposed to know how to identify such patterns that are not in keeping with Christ and put an end to them.

As a young person, it is important you understand where you are coming from and potential things (patterns) you will need to trust God and require His help to fight off.

There are things that you have to refuse to carry on with you.

What makes such pattern lingers from generation to another is the unwillingness of any member of the genealogy to identify and fight it effectively.

For Instance, when you know that your family pattern is getting pregnant outside wedlock, then you must get wisdom for purity or when you know alcoholism runs in your lineage, you must know and understand that social drinking is not an option for you.

Note that this pattern comes with a mindset that excuses the pattern or justifies the pattern. 

Every pattern has a spirit that tries to force it into reality.

After identifying the pattern you must address the mindset or habit that fuels or empowers that pattern into existence. 

The ideal model pattern we inherit as children of God is from Christ so bring every pattern to obey Christ.

Some patterns are deeply rooted than others and they may need a deeper work of personal healing and deliverance. 

Look for a biblical pattern and place it as your focus. 

You reproduce after your kind. This is why we encourage everyone to have mentors.

Find a mentor whose life speaks into areas you are growing into.

Jesus is our ultimate mentor but He does have sons and daughters whose consecration are pure, whose purity are intact and marriage blissful. And we can all learn from them.

Following the order of how Jacob replicated stripped animals from Laban flocks, Make the right pattern your focus and watch your mind unlearn.

Be sincere and allow the Holy Spirit to help you.

You cannot undo patterns in the flesh.

There are certain things of the spirit  that logical sense may not explain.

Fight it now so that your children don’t have to fight it.

It will take the grace of God to walk through and out of some generational patterns.

Not all patterns will appear like one. 

Some will come in unidentifiable packages. 

The best way to recognise a pattern is to see the end result. The end results are always the same.

The fight to break pattern becomes fierce because the pattern  is backed up spiritually.

But don’t be deceived, take your stand against your family pattern. Let it end with you.

Give your posterity a clean slate.

Arise and put an end to this rubbish!!!

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