

Hello greatness, you can worship God in so many ways, including trusting in Him. Worship is not limited to singing songs during church services on Sundays, it also involves other things you partake in throughout the week.

Even the most minute details can speak volume of how much you worship God. From little decisions such as your style, dressing to bigger ones like career and marital choices reflect how well you worship Him.

Basically, worship involves using your life to express how much you love God and the decisions you make to reflect the love you have for Him.

One of the many ways to worship God is by totally trusting in His ability to bring you to the expected end that He has assured you.

It may look like a minute detail but the issue of trust is quite important to God. There is nothing else that offends God than living a life that denies what He can do and who He is.

By trusting God, you are worshiping Him, and in turn telling him that you believe in Him no matter what. When you fail to trust God for what He can do for you especially in difficult situations, you are implying that you don’t believe He is God or that He exists.

If you completely trust in God, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about or be afraid of. Living a life of anxiety and worry shows we don’t quite understand the nature and capability of God to do the impossible if need be.

Worshiping God and trusting Him begins in the heart. Everyone is usually quick to sing and talk about God’s wonders but deep in our hearts, not everyone really believes He is able to do exactly what we say or sing as songs.

A heart that completely trusts God makes declarations such as “Lord I trust that you are more than able to deliver me and you will do what’s best for me and no matter what I face right now, I will come out victorious because you are with me.”

Our trust in God is an evidence of how mature we are in the Lord and in His salvation. The number of years we have spent in church has nothing to do with our ability to trust God in all situations, but  how much faith we have taken to believe God’s word like a child and expect it to work out in the end.

Lack of trust in God can bring about delay in achieving our goals and aspirations. An example in the scripture is the journey of 40 years in the wilderness, which should have been a journey of 40 days, just because the Israelites struggled to trust in God.

Despite the many acts and works of God they witnessed, they still gave up easily as they faced more challenges.

God has invested so much in His track record of goodness to you so that when  troubles come you can look back at what He did last and trust Him for what you need next.

However, many of us seem to forget the things He has done, thereby doubting if He would or be able to do them again. Your past testimonies should not be forgotten! Instead, you must remember them in order to build your trust in God.

This is how we nurture our minds from not forgetting His goodness. This is what makes Sunday service worth something sweet to Him because of how you choose to trust Him during the week.

Our lives as Christians act as a mirror of how much we trust God. In essence, when we trust God and in His abilities, our lives reflect it.

In addition, our words reveal this trust and our steps manifest it. When you trust God, you would be able to take risks with Him.

You must take this risk with Him by obeying Him.

There are so many Christians who struggle with disobedience simply because they don’t trust God. They believe they can work tough situations out themselves without the help of God, thereby disobeying God’s word.

Do you trust the word of God and believe the scriptures?

When you live in sin, you are simply telling God “I am in control of my life and I do what I want.”

To worship means to trust in God’s commandment which is not burdensome. It is a joyful thing to do. However, you must make up your mind to do this because obeying the commandment of God will be for your own good in the end.

Other reflections of our trust in God are living in peace, awe and rest.

Wrapping up, worshiping God in especially unpleasant times is the greatest form of worship you can give him. The sensation of our worship brings joy to His heart, because sacrifices like that are very important to Him.

Also, God wants our words to match our heart dispositions – that is the kind of worship He accepts. Even in pain, we must not stop telling God how much we trust Him to make way for us.

Even when you are in a storm that is ravaging your life, with tears in your eyes tell Him – “I love you Lord and I trust you.”

We must not give up on God because of hard times. Withdrawing from our service to God just because things are not going our way only implies that we don’t trust God that much. It shows how little we believe in Him.

Always remember that trusting God is not an event, it is a process, a journey, and therefore we must never stop. We need to keep trusting and believing in Him for as long as we live and breathe.

The truth is trusting God gets easier as time goes on. As you learn to take your baby’s step in trusting Him, you will see how easier it gets to trust Him even more and more.

Begin to trust in God for the small things and see how you will grow into believing Him for huge things.

However, it is impossible to trust in a God that you do not know. This is why you must seek more knowledge in the word of God in order to grow your trust in Him.

Meditate on His goodness and take stock of all He has done for you and others around you and begin to flourish in trust. This way, you will be able to look back at these testimonies in hard times and trust God to make a way for you.

You should also know that God is indeed happy when you trust Him. He can entrust you with bigger things when He tries your heart and see how much you believe Him.

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